Going to the Vet…

Well blatantly obvious, Kt headed by Maguss is sending the troops out to do their community service of castration.

Well, we thought it was hilarious, but what it meant by this is Legion and KT are at war. In all fairness, it appears that KT is getting bigger and stronger where as legion is getting smaller. We don’t want to predict the outcome because with the right general of attack, any opponent can be squashed. But KT is home to a number of the big sharks in this realm, and each player may require a coordinated strike. Rumors floating around of the Untouchables going after KT as well, but are yet to be confirmed.

Either way, Paying a visit to the Vet can be expensive, and for the animal…Well being neutered isn’t any fun.

    • Iapetus
    • July 20th, 2011

    i have messages confirming that kt is being hit by 2 alliances legion and untouchables by all parties involved

    • Baham
    • July 20th, 2011

    Done, and snipped. Drinks on Apollos!

  1. Rounds of shots fer Legion members who fought back. Oh my bad that means no shots fer the night.

    • HUGH
    • July 20th, 2011

    Let give a minute of silence…
    To respect the legion warriors who actually defended and died with honor.

    To those who hid and did not defend… please leave the reso outside the walls next time.

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